My name is Vova Galchenko. This website is dedicated to my iOS development. If you're interested in my other projects, please visit vova.galchenko.com, or simply put my name into the search engine of your choice.
I study Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Southern California and enjoy doing all kinds of programming on the side. I hope you're enjoying the products of my work.
If you'd like to find out more about my mobile development, please check out the Applications section of the site or check out Know-Where Systems, Inc. (I make their iPhone and Android apps). If you have questions, comments
or suggestions regarding my iOS development, or even if you just want to comment on the ungodly dimensions of my nose, visit the Support
section and fill out the contact form.
If you don't care about anything having to do with me or my work, you've reached this site in error, so feel free to utilize your browser's back button.
Come back soon!